



Thank you 57357, you restored Hope in life to me and her mother

This message was sent to us by Nagham’s father on our Face Book page. He wanted to share his optimism and joy for the imminent recovery of his daughter with all our readers and friends. As he is constantly away of Banha because he works in Sinai, we met with Nagham’s mom who shared with us the story of Nagham with cancer:

Nagham was six months when her mom noticed a solid growth in her daughter’s belly. They ran to the doctor who advised them to go to Hospital 57357 as tests revealed a tumor on the liver.

First day at 57357: “The world was dark around me and I thought my daughter was condemned , nevertheless we were doing everything in our power to save her. As soon as I met with her physician, I felt a great relief. All through the diagnostic phase, he tried to comfort us. Unfortunately the tumor, located on the left lobe of the liver, was cancerous.

The treatment journey

Nagham’s physician prescribed three doses of chemotherapy before the surgery to confine the tumor. Thank God, she responded well to the treatment and they were ready to operate to remove the tumor. This was the second liver surgery ever carried out at 57357 on a child in that very young age. Nagham was administered three more doses of chemotherapy and her treatment lasted for one year. “At that point we were extremely hopeful”, said Nagham’s mother. “We were keen to religiously follow her physician’s orders and recommendations; praying to God that he would continue the wonderful healing work that He had started,” added the mother

Six months after the surgery, we received the wonderful news that the resected area of Nagham’s left lobe was fully regenerated.

The Happiest day for Nagham’s Parents: this was one year after her admittance in 57357,  when they received the news that the little one had completed her treatment and that she was starting the follow-up phase. “ our heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to the cure of my Naghm, said the mother. Today, we it has been one year and a half since the start of the follow-up phase. We come to the Hospital for a regular check-up every three months.” Thanks be to God, hope in life is restored to us since Nagham’s recovery.

Thanks to your support, Nagham and so many of our patients with cancer in 57357 saw their dream of cure becoming a reality. Thanks to your support, an increasing number of our patients were able to beat this fierce disease; our average over-all survival rate having lately increased to reach 74.7% and to come closer to the 80% achieved in the developed world.

 Keep sailing with us as we continue the journey towards the shores of Cure for each and every child with cancer in Egypt. Check out our different donation programs, be it to sponsor a child’s treatment or to participate in on-going Sadaka. Your contribution will enable us to provide the best quality care and will bring our children closer to the shores of safety and wellness
